Lyulyoot a̱ca̱cet a̱ka̱keang ma̱ng a̱ka̱keang mi̱ Jami̱ni
Si̱ huni hwa yet a̱jhyem lyulyoot a̱ca̱cet a̱ka̱keang ma̱ng a̱ka̱keang 2,054 na mi̱ Jami̱ni (mi̱ di̱ a̰tuk mam 1 Zwat Jhyiung 2021). Nang di̱n Tyap a̱ni, á̱ ngyei a̱mgba̱m a̱ka̱keang ma̱ng a̱ca̱cet a̱ka̱keang Stadt wa ku yet a̱sa̱t municipality a̱ni ma̱ a̱byin Jami̱ni (nwuan Municipalities of Germany) nang á̱ ku jong a̱wat nyian ta̱m ma̱ng a̱lyoot a̱kya. Da̱ a̱kwonu a̱kya, a̱yaamunisi̱paliti Jami̱ni ba̱ lan yet a̱cyuang da̱ a̱ka̱nyiung ba̱ nwai nyia̱ ta̱m ma̱ng a̱lyoot kani a̰ni, mat a̱nia wa á̱ si̱ nwai tyia̱ mba a̱ji, á̱ ni̱ ngyei mba Gemeinden. Historically, the title Stadt was associated with town privileges, but today it is a mere honorific title. The title can be bestowed to a municipality by its respective state government and is generally given to such municipalities that have either had historic town rights or have attained considerable size and importance more recently. Towns with over 100,000 inhabitants are called Großstadt, a statistical notion sometimes translated as "city", but having no effect on their administrative status. In this list, only the cities' and towns' names are given. For more restricted lists with more details, see:
- Lyulyoot a̱ca̱cet a̱ka̱keang Jami̱ni di̱n vak shi á̱niet (only Großstädte, i.e. cities over 100,000 population)
- Metropolitan Regions in Germany
Numbers of cities and towns in the German states:
- Bavaria: 317 cities and towns
- Baden-Württemberg: 314 cities and towns
- North Rhine-Westphalia: 272 cities and towns
- Hesse: 191 cities and towns
- Saxony: 169 cities and towns
- Lower Saxony: 159 cities and towns
- Rhineland-Palatinate: 130 cities and towns
- Thuringia: 117 cities and towns
- Brandenburg: 113 cities and towns
- Saxony-Anhalt: 104 cities and towns
- Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania: 84 cities and towns, see list
- Schleswig-Holstein: 63 cities and towns
- Saarland: 17 cities and towns
- Bremen: 2 cities
- Berlin: 1 city
- Hamburg: 1 city